Thursday, February 5, 2009


We had a table built locally from 100 year old pine that had been salvaged from houses. As you can see from the unfinished photo the top was covered in nail holes. My project over the past couple of weeks has been filling in the holes and staining and finishing it. I found an eco-friendly stain and finish that made it an even more rewarding project. It is rustic, but we love it and certainly not worried about the boys beating it up.


The sunset created this amazing glow on the trees that I tried to capture the best that I could... I really wish I was a professional photographer at times like this.


We enjoyed a beautiful day outside in our woods. The boys made their first attempt at climbing trees (with a little help) and Christian surprised us all by showing us his Arnold climbing skills.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We have been enjoying the slower pace of life with the construction being complete. We have captured some beautiful views of nature and on nice days enjoying our trail in the woods. The boys have been busy gathering fallen limbs to build tepees and Jack is busy drawing ideas to build forts. I am anxious for all of the adventures we are sure to have.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Leaves and fire

We are enjoying the changing color of the leaves and the cozy fire

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We have finally moved in and are definitely loving the house. We still have some interior details to finish, but we are really enjoying the peaceful views and watching the leaves change. Our next project will be tackling the landscape in the spring.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

bamboo railing

Christian endured another long weekend working on our bamboo railing for the terrace. Chrisitian's brother Paul came to help with the cedar decking and to finish the trespa on the cladding. Both very tedious jobs. Thank you Paul!!! Wow! It is incredible to see all of the hard, hard work that my dear husband has done to make this house possible. The boys love the bamboo fence and especially the 40+ bamboo swords they've aquired.